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The cottage is available from May to December this year,the booking week runs from Saturday until Friday night (inclusive).
We ask you not to arrive before 4.00 p.m. CET on Saturday and to leave by about 10.00 a.m. on your Saturday of departure.
We will 'pencil in' your booking by verbal, FAX or EMail request but ask you to send us a deposit of £100 (cheques payable to 'S. Sales') as confirmation .

As soon as we receive your deposit we will confirm your booking and send you

1. A receipt

2. A guide to the area and instructions for finding us

3. A list so the village shops can stock your fridge (if required)


Please let us know as soon as possible if you have to cancel. We will make every effort to re-book. If we succeed we will return your deposit in full

The booking calendar is updated weekly on Sunday. It is for information only and does not support on-line booking until I have worked out how to do it. (I may be some little while....)

Final payment

Please let us have the balance of your booking fee six weeks before arrival

The Farming Year

To give some idea of what's going on.

Click on the month to see availabilty or click here to see the year calendar.

May-June                      Preparing for the haymaking which starts in June. Fencing (no swords) , harrowing. Much bird activity, nightingales sing.

July-August                  Finish the haymaking and prepare for the harvest in August. Hopefully hot, can be very hot. Mushrooms growing well.

September-October     Ploughing and sowing. Work in the woods begins. Crane migration starts mid-October

November-December   Feeding starts, calving begins in December. Often a fine Indian Summer in November but the weather, of course, becomes less predictable.

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